
Letter from Mitchelle David

From: mitchelled30@gmail.com

 Thanks for your kind letter , I appreciate it? Where are you from, What do you seek for here? I’m interested in someone accepting of other people for who they are, someone that feels a real compassion for those around him that wants to do what they can to make this world a better place. I would like a kind, caring, loving, sensual man that is strong yet graceful in word and action. Intelligent enough for long talks at sunsets and dinners and feels comfortable just being with each other without a word to say. He likes the simple things in life and is secure enough in himself to give unconditionally. I would like him to have goals in life and I want him to be comfortable with me being a part of his life and witness to his desires and goals. I am not a big partier and I’m not really into the club scene but I am comfortable going out as long as I’m with someone I can relate to. I however, like to go out for a relaxing drink with the person I’m with. I enjoy an occasional movie at the theater, or I can bring home a movie and we can cuddle up in front of the fire and under the covers and enjoy a nice quiet evening at home.

I am looking for someone who would love to be in a long-term relationship. Someone who has similar interests and ideals as me, but not afraid to share in new experiences either. I would prefer a good natured man but do believe that personality is where true beauty lies. Someone who can be both a best friend and lover. I would describe myself as a romantic person. Honesty is important to me and I believe that both communication and mutual respect for one another is the key to a happy and fulfilled relationship. It's all about give and take and above all being the best of friends. I want a man willing to share his love with me forever. A decent looking guy. He doesn't have to be the most handsome looking guy in the room with the great body cos I know looks fade. He has to be attentive, a good listener, he has to be caring and compassionate towards others. As a girl, I always look to see how he treats other people because that will give me a good indication of how he will treat me. Personality is the most important and the way you feel when you are with that person. Of course, when you see someone there is something that attracts you, for me it's the eyes and a smile, for someone it's something else.