stolen pictures:
There is no doubt: a beautiful young woman. The big question: the person who sends the messages is the same person that is in the photos ???
Imagine this girl saying she loves him and promising marriage. This kind of thing can shake a man's emotions, especially if he is emotionally fragile.
This person presents himself as "model" and "banker" resident in Alabama - USA. Two completely different professions! She promises love, promises marriage, and presents itself to open a bank account in the United States with an initial deposit of 3,000 dollars as a gift to your beloved. Are there people so generous in this world ???
She insists all the time for you to make payments when the account is open.. She wants to help you save money and help make preparations for your life in America. I am amazed with such generosity! 3 thousand fucking dollars!
This is the trick: She will use an account that belongs to her and say she has opened an account for you. As soon as you start making deposits she takes your money !!!
What caught my attention in this user: after little exchange of messages she has already decided that she is in love with me, has already decided to marry and has already decided to have 3 children. Look at the photos above: Would a woman with this appearance have this type of behavior? let's think.
The origin of pictures:
I have not had trouble finding out that these pictures are fake. They were probably stolen from the site
Scammers are abusing this photo to create many profiles:
This was the most slippery scammer I've ever known. He did not ask for money directly, it was involving me with a long conversation and creating an almost perfect simulation of a real person. However, every scammer has its inconsistencies, after all, they are fraudsters who create stories to steal money from people.
He promised love, happiness, and even promised employment and financial aid. Here are some of the messages he sent:
In this email, she shows interest in my money.
She says countless times that she loves me. How can you love someone who does not know?
In this email she says she will give me "financial advice". She is trying to build the professional image of the financial market. A banker!
I love this email. It's the best of all. Pay attention: This person promises me a job in the United States and still promises to give me 3,000 dollars. Do you believe it? Is there such generosity? What kind of idiot believe in this kind of promise? When I received this email I had no doubt: I was facing a scammer!
A job in a first-world country, money, and marriage to a beautiful young woman. This is too good, but it's all false.
Hey Rachel !! i'm waiting for my 3.000 dollars and my job in United States!!!
These emails indicate that she was very interested in handling my money. How can you talk about financial matters with a person you don't know????
She sent me over 50 boring emails telling me that she loves me, that she wants to be by my side and that she wants to marry me. She also sent me eager emails to make sure I'm going to deposit money into the account she opened. She was very interested in this subject. She wanted to know when I start sending money and how much I was going to deposit!
After the annoying emails, we started chatting in the Google Hangout.
Google Hangout conversation:
If this person works a bank I asked her which bank is this. The answer: Astoria Bank:
No, no No No !! she said: "my bank is very and great bank" I perceive something in this message: I appeal to authority. The bank she said works great, but it does not appear on the list of major US banks. I imagined his name alongside powerful banks like Wells Fargo, JP Morgan Chase or Goldman Sachs.
Astoria Bank does not exist. It was purchased by Sterling Bancorp. This was a contradiction of this user. How does he present himself as an employee of a bank that does not exist? The Astoria Bank website itself has a link that does not open. If she knows this bank well, why did she give me an invalid link? hahahahaha! A great bank, but the website don't open! hahahahaha!!
I questioned Rachel about these inconsistencies. Obviously, I did not receive a satisfactory answer. She gave a ridiculous argument that does not know about it. That is, you work for a bank, this bank is sold to another group and you do not know anything about it? Apparently, she did not know anything about the Sterling Bancorp acquisition. Is not this suspicious ?? What kind of employee are you?
I was tired of this person's lies. I decided to confront her at once. I sent a picture of a girl holding a sheet of paper saying "she's a real person". I asked her to do the same. She promised to make this photo, however, she DID NOT DO THIS.
The next messages indicate that I was talking to a person who has the habit of appealing to the emotional. She became a victim, made herself impressed, said she was crying and then stopped responding to messages.
In the end: she did not send the picture I asked for. She can not! it's a scammer!
This is definite proof that I am talking to a false and lying person: he promised to send pictures attesting that he is a real person, however, she did not do this and left the conversation.
This was the last message of this person. As she was not able to prove that she is a real person she chose to play an emotional game. He said he would never believe a man again. She blamed me for making her cry. If she is not a scammer she is a contumacious liar and dissembler accustomed to emotional games.
It is unfortunate to conclude that people of this type are on the path of sincere people who just want to find love. But we must defend ourselves against such people.